Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

King of Pain



Christians call Jesus King. Yet, we also say he died a very undignified and shameful death. What kind of king is Jesus, who lets himself be captured, humiliated and tortured to death on a cross? This sermon argues that the way Jesus died isn't a sign of his weakness. Instead, it's a sign that he is a king who is willing to suffer any kind of shame and pain in order to complete his mission of grace.Scripture Passage: Luke 23:33-46Preached on Christ the King Sunday, November 24, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsMost people fear humiliation as much as they fear deathThe Church shows us her king suffering both of theseThis doesn't reveal Jesus as weakIt reveals a king who is willing to suffer for the sake of his mission of liberationThe Church is called to accomplish the king's mission on earthThis means sometimes accepting shame and marginalizationEach Christian is called to accomplish Jesus' mission their own lifeThis means sometimes accepting shame and marginalization tooFurther ReferenceThey