Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

My Heart Will Go On



Today's culture makes us believe that romantic success is the most important of human achievements. Yet, Jesus himself neither married nor had children. Jesus' teaching tells us that marriage is important, but ultimately a means to an end. It serves to prepare us for the life of resurrection which is to come. Yet, in Christ it is not the only way we are prepared. Instead, the church should offer us a place where both the single and married find opportunities to serve and to grow more fully into maturityScripture Reference: Luke 20:27-40Preached on the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, November 10, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsInformation on the SadduceesInformation on Israel's marriage practicesJesus gives picture of resurrection lifeMarriage is meant to help us achieve that, but is not the only thing which canJesus makes his disciples his familyChurch should be a place where singles find a true familyMarriage provides opportunity to serve like Jesus didSingleness and marriage are twin paths w