Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Don't Tickle Your Ears



We all prefer to hear what we want to hear. Fewer people still strive to hear what they need to hear, even if it's not what they want. In this sermon, Fr. Stephen speaks about the importance of providing avenues for hearing what God wants to say, even if it isn't what you wanted. Being challenged in godliness is what makes us grow more Christlike, so stay in places where that challenge is made.Scripture reference: 2 Timothy 3:10-4:5Preached on the 19th Sunday after Pentecost, October 20th, 2019, by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsBad leaders surround themselves with Yes-menGood leaders surround themselves with truth-tellersPaul challenges Christian leaders to be open to truthful critiqueCongregations should expect and encourage hard truths from leadersAll Christians should let Scripture challenge usWe can be truth-tellers and livers in the worldOur integrity is the best witness to JesusLiving in godly way is threatening to the worldJesus will accompany us in this wayHe will carry us to finish when w