Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Freedom to Pursue the Kingdom



Discipline can be an ugly word to some people, because it makes us think of high-pressure situations and the prospect of an ugly failure. Yet, the bible often calls on Christians to exercise discipline in pursuit of the gospel. How can disciplines be good news full of grace, when they are so demanding? Today, Josh reflects on St. Paul's imagery of soldier, athlete, and farmer to help us understand how a disciplined life for Jesus actually frees us to pursue God's kingdom with joy.Scripture reference: 2 Timothy 2:1-15Preached on the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, October 13, 2019 by Josh WangSermon HighlightsWe change the world by taking on small disciplinesGod's Spirit takes our small efforts and amplifies them to God's gloryOur Christian life involves effort but not earningJesus' love is a constant comfort and a safety net when our efforts failFocus on Jesus' kingdom frees us to let go of the world's worriesSt. Paul was content and free because he knew Jesus can be trustedWe can be content even when suffering