Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

When Harshness Is a Blessing



The Bible is full of challenging passages, but the Old Testament prophets seem the most difficult. They often talk of destruction, disaster and judgment. We tend not to like hearing these themes. So what value do we find in the prophets' harsh words, and what good things does it tell us about God? This sermon addresses why harsh words are important for us to hear, and why God's judgment always leaves room for a solid hope.Scripture Passage: Jeremiah 4:11-28Preached on the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, the 15th of September, by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsJesus always remains our Good Shepherd, intent on saving usOT prophets are hard to listen to because they are harsh and talk about destructionWe find it hard to hear good news in this because we are too comfortableOther communities have held on to these passages because they are oppressedOppressed communities know they can't be free without the intervention of a powerful SaviourThese passages reveal God's power is sufficient to crush oppressionJe