Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Give Me A Break



Modern people have more labour-saving devices than we know what to do with. We have more leisure time than almost anyone in history. Yet, we always seem busy and over-worked. How can people with so much free time feel so burdened? This sermon helps address the problem of over-work by reflecting on the gift of Sabbath. Jesus reveals to us that we need rest in order to flourish as human beings. We also have a responsibility to help others flourish by giving them rest. Learn about the importance of weekly rest, and why making it a priority brings real blessings.Preached on the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, August 25, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneScripture Reference: Luke 13:10-17; Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15Sermon HighlightsSabbath confrontations are a regular part of Jesus' ministrySabbath is a big dealSabbath is a necessary part of human flourishingWe have a responsibility to carve out time for genuine restSabbath is an act of service for othersSabbath brings opportunity to help others find restJesu