Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Won't You Be My Neighbour?



We are all scared of evangelism. Few people seem to enjoy sharing their faith, even though Jesus tells us it's a priority for his disciples to do so. So how can we overcome our fear? What does it look like to share our faith? How can we avoid the cliches and manipulation that the word sometimes brings with it? In this sermon, Fr. Stephen shares how faith-sharing really boils down to being a good neighbour and loving as Jesus does. The specifics of our faith can start shining through only when we have shown genuine love for those we live with and next to.Scripture reference: Luke 10:1-20Preached by Rev. Stephen Silverthorne on the 4th Sunday after Pentecost, July 7, 2019Sermon HighlightsSharing faith scares usJesus expects us to do itWe share faith effectively when we live out our faithWe show who Jesus is by loving our neighboursThis practical love is the only thing which will break through people's cynicismGod does the real work in preparing the harvestWe are not responsible for bringing people to JesusWe ar