Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Leaning In



Belief comes difficult to most of us, at least some of the time. Yet, Jesus often seems to demand we follow him out of our comfort zones even in the midst of our doubts. How do we follow, even when we doubt? In this sermon, Fr. Stephen suggests that we grow out of our doubts only when we lean in and follow. It's through following through on what Jesus asks us to do, that we find him to be a trustworthy shepherd. It's a leap of faith which leads us out of our faithlessness.Scripture Reference: John 10:22-30Preached on the 4th Sunday of Easter, May 12th, by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsJesus says we can't believe unless we're one of his sheepThis seems like a paradoxYet, shows a truth: you can't know if someone is trustworthy until you take the risk of trusting themJesus points to his actions as an example of his trustworthinessWe know this when we obey his callJesus' call is personal, and tailored to our needsJesus' call is communal, making us part of a flock See for privacy and