Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Be a Doubting Thomas



The phrase "Doubting Thomas" now part of the English language, as way of describing a person who is unable to believe the truth. Yet, the bible doesn't present the original Thomas in so negative a way. Instead, it invites us to identify with him because he resembles our situation in life. Like him, we find it hard to believe because we haven't seen Jesus face to face. This sermon points us to the lessons Thomas can teach us about dealing with doubts and how we can help others see Jesus for themselves.Scripture reference: John 20:19-31Preached by Rev. Stephen Silverthorne on the Second Sunday of Easter, April 28, 2019Sermon HighlightsThomas is an example to usHe teaches us that Jesus is gentle with the doubtingHe teaches us that Jesus gives us what we need to overcome doubtsWe can get an even better knowledge of Christ than the disciplesJesus is present in the churchBy sticking with the church we learn new things about himWe are challenged to present Jesus faithfully to the worldFurther ReadingLook Homeward, A