Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

An Easter Reflection



Easter celebrates a great miracle, where God raises Jesus from the dead. However, we don't celebrate this just as a chance to look back at a great event. We celebrate the fact that in his death and resurrection Jesus enjoyed a victory over death which brings hope for us when facing our own death.Scripture reference: John 20:1-18Preached on Easter morning, April 21, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsWe all know what it is like to live without powerHoly Week is physically hard on us, leaving us feeling low in powerThe events of Holy Week are spiritually draining tooThis gives us a sense what Mary Magdalene felt on the first Easter morningHer experience on this morning is relatable for us allShe is powerless as she approaches the tombWe are powerless in front of the graveEaster morning makes us confront this powerlessnessBut also it makes us confront God's powerWe cannot defeat death, but Christ hasEaster challenges us to put faith in him as our championWe can trust our champion because he loves