Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Everyday Superheroes



Superheroes are now a staple of movie entertainment, and continue to be popular because they take action to overcome injustice. We forget sometimes that God empowers us to be heroes as well, through honestly facing up to where we have become comfortable with injustice. How do we grow out of condemning others, and instead start asking where we need to change? Where do we find courage to act for the benefit of others? This sermon addresses these challenges and encourages us to grow into the kind of people who bring justice wherever we are.Scripture references: Luke 13:1-9; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13Preached on the Third Sunday in Lent, March 24, 2019 by Ed MontanoSermon HighlightsOscar Romero is a great example of Christian faithHe is an example of speaking truth to the powerfulWe sometimes ignore injustice because of dual loyaltiesOur first loyalty is to Christ, not to the powerful of our worldChrist frees us from the idols of our ageChrist also challenges us to look at our own livesRather than blaming others, what