Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Loving You Ain't Easy



Loving some people is easy. Others, not so much. That fact is what makes today's Gospel passage so difficult. Jesus tells his disciples to love their enemies, bless those who curse them, and even turn the other cheek when someone slaps them. How can we do this? And doesn't this way of life just turn us into doormats, vulnerable to being abused? In this sermon our student intern, Ed Montano, tackles this challenging passage by reminding us that it's through God's grace that these actions become an agent to change the world for the better.Scripture Reference: Luke 6:27-38; 1 Corinthians 15:35-50Preached on the Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, February 24, 2019 by Ed MontanoSermon HighlightsWe all face situations which make us angryThis makes it very hard to do what Jesus tells usWe often don't want to have our hatreds or angers challengedJesus challenges us in the Gospel anywayHe asks more of us than to do what comes easyDisciples are asked to trust that Jesus' way is betterWe are asked to trust that he knows wha