Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

What's the Deal with Baptism?



Baptism is part of most Christian traditions, and in today's Gospel reading, we see Jesus himself being baptized. So what does this episode tell us about Jesus, and what does it tell us about the meaning of baptism? In this sermon, Fr. Stephen explains how this episode reveals important aspects of who Jesus is, and what Jesus brings to us through baptism.Scripture Reference: Isaiah 10:33-11:3; Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 3:15-22Preached on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, January 13, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsJesus' baptism tells us a lot about who he isJesus is the Divine Messiah, who can be trustedJesus is the Warrior to breaks oppressionJesus is the Saviour who dies to save his peopleJesus baptism tells us a lot about our own baptismBaptism is an act of trust in ChristBaptism is a promise that Christ will break our chainsBaptism is an invitation to live our whole lives for Christ See for privacy and opt-out information.