Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Dignity for the Weak



A sermon about the dignity God gives to the weak.Our world is preoccupied with the rich and famous. They are the ones we follow on social media, and the ones we write stories about. Yet, Christmas every year introduces us to a small family which seems insignificant. By being born into a poor, humble family, God shows us the worth he places on those who are weak. This sermon challenges us to let go of the contempt and frustration we feel for the weaknesses of others, and for the weaknesses we see in ourselvesScripture Reference: Luke 2:1-20Sermon HighlightsThe familiar Christmas story strangely endures in a world craving noveltyThe people in the story are unremarkable, and weakWhat makes the story meaningful is that God finds it meaningfulBy choosing a humble family to be born into, God shows His regard for the weakThis encourages us to have regard for those we see as weakThis also encourages us to have regard for our own weaknesses See for privacy and opt-out information.