Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream

Stay Hopeful but Always Face the Truth



Christians are supposed to be hopeful people. God gives us great promises about how He will care for us, and how He will make all things right. Yet, these hopeful promises can be hard to believe when our everyday life is full of challenges and disappointments. This sermon argues that Advent is meant to help us keep hope while remembering that the challenges are real.Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 33:14-18; Luke 21:25-36Preached on the First Sunday of Advent, December 2, 2018 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsPeople flourish when they stay hopeful without denying the bitter truthThe birth of Jesus reminds us that God keeps His promises to IsraelJesus' prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem shows us that when an era ends, it is natural to be fearfulWe can keep hope that Jesus will come again, when we prepare ourselves through daily looking for ways Jesus is present nowFurther ReadingA useful prayer app for preparing us for Church in AdventPray As You Go: Advent ReflectionAn Advent reflection for