

Today we are happy to have with us Ronda Conger, who has an amazing story, serves as Vice-President of CBH Homes, Idaho’s largest home builder and she is most definitely, a leader to model.We discussed how to change the way you run your business – for the better, the importance of being an ever-improving leader, and give you a different way to look at the challenges in your life and business. Construction Business Links:Scientific Remodeling SystemThe Construction Professionals ForumAffluent Contractor WebsiteShow Links:RondaConger.comCBHHomes.comThe Ronda Conger Show PodcastRakenApp.com00:01:43: Tech Tip of the Week: Raken Project Manager App00:06:36: Introduction of Ronda Conger – Vice President of CBH Homes00:07:53: Ronda’s Journey00:10:02: Life is messy!00:11:08: CBH Homes Ronda’s company00:14:44: How Ronda leads her team of over 200 employees00:18:08: If you knew better, you would do better00:20:53: How Ronda handles challenges00:24:25: Stress rolls downhill00:27:53: Company culture matters00:30:14: