Zeitgeist with Zack Geist

Dr Ed Tick: Dream Physicians of Ancient Greece



Dr Ed Tick is a psychologist specializing in treating sufferers with PTSD and has worked with combat veterans since the 1970s. He discovered through his work that the most profound healing from the symptoms of PTSD were to be had through dream work and more specifically through the ancient Greek practice of Asklepion Dream Incubation. To my surprise, modern medicine in the west as it is known today is rooted in Asklepion sanctuaries where cures were sought in both the waking world by working with the laws of nature as well as the mythic world of dreams where the patient explored the numinous through radical ritual and dreams inviting the Asklepios to help them heal. This healing could occur through insight in how to work with the natural world to improve either physical or mental illness or could happen in the dream and carry over to waking life. You may be shocked as I was to discover that there were hundreds of these Asklepion temples and that the healing miracles which occurred there were etched into the w