Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

It it easy to perform when you're motivated, but what about when you're not? Ep 80



Eric Thomas the Hip Hop Preacher text me a message talking about motivation and discipline.  What happens when you're no longer motivated to do something?  What do you do when you "don't feel like doing it today?"  His answer, "you will never be able to always be motivated therefore, you must rely on discipline.  When motivation fails you, your discipline kicks in." Discipline is something that's been missing from my life for a while.  I tend to subconsciously think I shouldn't have to be disciplined anymore because "I've been there and done that."  When I think back to the first 10 yrs of my recovery, I was extremely disciplined.  Everything was about routine, staying sober, and maintaining a sense of gratitude and service to others.  As I started to get more life experience by trying new things and getting up in years sober, I started to selfishly and childishly say to myself, "I'm tired of being responsible, I'm tired of abstaining from all the risky behaviors and I