Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Sarah Helgeson: Trauma and Addiction Therapist, EMDR Specialist, Mother, Survivor, Resource - Columbus Ohio Ep 77



Trauma and Addiction Therapist, EMDR Specialist, Mother, Survivor, and valuable resources in Columbus Ohio.  Sarah has helped me tremendously with learning about trauma.  Specifically, helping me understand that traumatic experiences can be as simple as being scared of the dark as a child or witnessing your parents argue to more extreme examples like being abused in a relationship or experiencing combat as a military veteran.  In the most simple of ways, Sarah describes Trauma as, "anything that happens to us that causes our brain to go into survival mode."  You can never be sure how someone will interpret a life experience.  To one person, an experience can be nothing more than a blip in their day and to another, it can a memory imprinted in their mind as something that changed their life forever.  Even more interesting, looking into the role of generational trauma and how the traumatic experiences of your ancestors still influence our thoughts and feelings today.  Sarah is