With Authority

An Open Conversation With Bruce Maxwell | With Authority (Ep. 57)



Bruce Maxwell's life changed because of one moment, one decision. The former A's catcher took a knee to protest racism and police brutality in 2017, a decision that still impacts him today. In a deep and meaningful, hour-long conversation, Maxwell opens up about his life and the overwhelming criticism and threats that led him down a path of depression, resulting in an arrest that made headlines. "My life changed after that moment to be honest with you," he said on the "With Authority" podcast. He says even now, three years later, he still endures threats and hateful comments for his actions. "The threats and the comments that I was receiving, even to this day, about that day of kneeling during the national anthem, it's disturbing... I never knew somebody could possess so much hatred." But he was doing what he believed was right. "My parents always taught me, 'standing up for what's right might not be easy, but it is the right thing to do," he said. Growing up bi-racial in Alabama, Maxwell deta