Starseed Radio Academy

Australian Elders Prophecy for 2020 with Steven and Evan Strong



In the words of our Australian guests, Steven and Evan Strong: Primarily, I am Original and was given ceremony with a task to inform the world of the true Original history and heritage using science, artifacts and bones. We are the first people, we traveled around the world in ancient times exporting our knowledge, magic and combined  Original/Pleiadean genes.  The reason the Elders decided to share our secrets and evidence is because there is a prophecy of a fundamental cleansing of the planet and humanity which begins at Uluru on the 21st of December, 2020, when the final ceremony will be given. It is their belief, and ours, that hidden at Uluru is a "magic box" which they will try and turn on. If successful, everything changes; if they fail, the Earth will take matters into its hands and cleanse itself and all that reside upon it. This is our last chance!  Some topics we can pursue include obviously the prophecy, the bones we have of a Pleiadean, Atlantean and Lemurian rings, sacred sites with Alien narra