Starseed Radio Academy

Starseed Nation Ascension into 5D



Shar Veda, an intuitive counselor, healer, writer, and channel was born on a Mother’s Day new moon with gifts of clairsentience, claircognizance, clairaudience, and a heart for humor and service work. Shar has worked in health-healing and media-publishing for 25 years. She has published over 100 articles on health, wellness, and high vibration self-care in national magazines like American Spa and Mother Earth Living, served as a health counselor to at risk teen girls, as yoga therapist to low income kids, and as trusted lifestyle advisor, healer and confidante to elite private clients around the world.  Star Seed Nation Ascension into 5D is Shar Veda’s first book. Much of it was channeled living near Mount Shasta, the root chakra of Earth. Since then, Shar has moved to Pahoa, Hawaii and specializes in supporting those wanting to raise personal and planetary frequency move from fear to love with a unique blend of intuitive counsel, healing, Ayurveda, astrology and message retrieval.  Her style is to the point,