Bridge The Atlantic

B-Sides: Episode 7 - Should You Give Music Away for Free?



In this week's B-SIDES episode, we’re going to be answering a question that was asked on a recent Facebook live - the question about whether you should give music away for free, and what "free" should mean for artists in today's music industry. Enjoy! Highlights: - We talk about the benefits of giving music away for free - and what "free" should actually mean - "Rather than thinking of it as giving music away for free, think of it more as getting it to the people who are going to be part of your audience" -Ross - "There are many things more valuable than money and the instant gratification that comes along with seeing a dollar in exchange for your song." - Marcio - "An email address carries much more weight than a one-off transaction, and allows a long-lasting communication with your audience" - Even in the age of social media, getting someone’s email address is still one of the most effective ways of communicating with them - If you’re able to give something exclusive in exchange for an email address, you