Bridge The Atlantic

Alan Cross: Broadcasting, Technology in the Music Industry & Saying Yes



Joining us this week out of Toronto is broadcaster, writer and all round music geek Alan Cross. Alan is is best known as host of the syndicated radio series The Ongoing History of New Music, The Secret History of Rock, and ExploreMusic. In addition to his broadcasting career, Alan is also the author of many books on music, including The Alternative Music Almanac and The History of Alternative Rock. In this interview we hear Alan's thoughts on how the music industry has changed, how broadcasting has changed, and the advice he'd offer to aspiring music industry professionals. Highlights: - We hear how Alan never liked the title of his program “The Ongoing History of Modern Rock” - Alan shares how he initially wanted to be a news anchor or journalist, but actually hated it when it came down to it - Alan tells us how he sees the introduction of streaming has changed the economic balance of the music industry - We hear how the way the music business operates has changed compared to how it worked in the 90s - “