Bridge The Atlantic

Justin Pierre: Motion City Soundtrack, Drinking & Longevity



This week we’re excited to be joined by Justin Pierre out of Minnesota. Justin was the co-founder and lead vocalist of Motion City Soundtrack, and with them released 6 albums between 1997 and 2015. The band’s songs gave thoughtful perspectives on mental health and self-doubt, and they recently wrapped up a farewell tour...but hopefully it’s not the end! Justin’s known for his very personal lyrics, trademark sideburns and glasses, and he also hosts a podcast with his wife called Book Narcs. He also makes short films and directs music videos, with some of his credits including work for Limbeck and Sing It Loud. In this interview, Justin talks about Motion City Soundtrack's longevity, overcoming his drinking problem, and why he believes it's important to support other musicians. Enjoy! Highlights: - Justin shares what he believes the secret to Motion City Soundtrack’s longevity is - Justin shares how MCS dealt with some big issues in the band early on - We hear how understanding and respecting each other...