10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

Knowing Your Importance



Let me ask you this. Who is the most important person in your life? Think about it for one moment. I’ll wait. Go ahead and really give it some thought. This isn’t a test question and you won’t be made to announce your answer in front of the class. There’s no expectation here so you shouldn’t feel any pressure to answer one way or the other. So honestly, who is the most important person in your life? When I ask that question during live seminars, most people usually respond by stating, “my spouse/partner,” or “my children,” or they name an aging parent. Some folks will sit silently in their chair, avoiding eye contact and (I can only imagine are) praying that the question is just rhetorical so they won’t be called upon to publicly share their answer. But no matter how many times I’ve asked that question (and I have asked it a lot), there’s one answer that I’ve rarely heard. [10-Minute Challenge]  Do something special / enjoyable for yourself today that shows you are important.  *** Wondering how to get mo