
Rand(Nerds); Episode 10



SPOILER ALERT: We discuss the recent series of Jonathan Creek with  forewarning of spoilers. This episode we display an inability to move on  any new section and going off topic more often then normal, only one of  us has been playing a game recently, Nick been recording and pissing  off people in Deus Ex: The Fall. We talk about Valve’s new film Free To  Play and our dislike for DOTA 2 and how we need peace between all  gamers. We look into drinking on the podcast and going to the Red Dragon  Inn. We carry on working on getting threaten by North Korea and ending  up on a Government blacklist and plan out a dictators DnD game followed  by a podcast. We also discuss the massive price for GalCiv 3 Alpha and  being charged for a Demo of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zero. Notes: Experience the combination of poor voice acting and great game play with Deus Ex: The Fall See how Dota 2 ruined the lives of 3 gamers with Free To Play Experience quirky British humor and mys