
Rand(Nerds); Episode 2



In this Episode we talk about Sir, you are being hunter, Watchdogs,  Losing wives to FFXIV, reloading guns from 1998, a new style of film  making and a Thundercats spin off. We did it! we didn’t fade! So here it is, our second podcast. Sorry for the poor quality of the  audio, our pre-amp broke and we had to use a poorer substitute.  Hopefully when you download this you’ll also have all the artwork  showing, and hopefully it’ll all work through iTunes. Notes You can become the hunted by playing Sir, You are being hunted Have a spouse that’s around too much? buy them a sub to FFXIV Still can’t work out what Luke was talking about? have a look yourself at Hyperdimension Neptunia Have a go at hacking Chicago See one of Luke’s favorite remakes Proof that Sony executives must be on something Anything you think we should talk about? Weird news to blow Luke mind with? Or just want to ask us a question? You can email us here. Follow us on twitter Like us on facebook See our YouTube channel Jo