More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Competition or Potential Partnership



Desmond shares his knowledge on how you can turn the competition into a positive thing rather than a negative thing. He explains how you can use them to the better your business and why it’s important not to view them as competitors.   KEY TAKEAWAYS See competition as a potential ally, you don’t have to gain from them in a monetary way. You can gain value in many other ways, you can learn from them and they can learn from you. Competition could actually be a big resource for you, you don’t have to necessarily keep them all at arms length. Competition should be considered as a positive rather than a negative. They might have skills you don’t have that they may share with you. Having a pool of competitors can be extremely powerful because if you have a problem you could go to them and they are more likely to find an answer than if you were on your own. BEST MOMENTS ‘Is the competition, the competition or a potential partner?’ ‘See opportunity in a problem’. ‘No one had monopoly’ VALUABLE RESOURCES   Mo