More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

How Speaking Can Grow Your Business



Many of us have attended events in order to learn from the experience of others. We arrive and watch as those with influential names and aspirational stories ascend to the stage and recount their experiences in ways that drive us to be better. But have you ever wondered how those people took that step to becoming public speakers? What caused them to make that decision? And how can we take those steps ourselves? In this episode, Desmond discusses how speaking from a stage can help both you and your business to grow in all kinds of interesting and empowering ways. KEY TAKEAWAYS Apparently, more people have a fear of public speaking than they do of dying! People in general are scared of speaking in front of others; they lack confidence and self-belief. Speaking on stage is incredibly powerful and has tremendous upsides. You are able to address numerous minds at once. Within twenty minutes you can speak to fifty people. Speaking on stage positions you as someone in authority. Being selected to speak marks you