More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

People Buy What They Want, Not What They Need



One of the key lessons learned from Daniel Priestley’s Key Person Of Influence is that people buy what they want, not what they need. It’s a maxim that proves true all over the world, but why is that? What causes this phenomenon? And more importantly, how can business owners harness this phenomenon to drive sales and marketing? In this episode, Desmond discusses Priestley’s lesson, and tells you why you should be applying it now. KEY TAKEAWAYS In Singapore, the government tax combustible engines highly. It’s very expensive to drive there, and even buying a car can be up to 3 to 4 times more expensive. This means that luxury cars are prohibitively expensive. And yet, against this restrictive atmosphere, luxury vehicles are highly sought after. In fact Ferrari sell more cars there than anywhere else in the world. Many marketers look to advertise to people’s needs, failing to see that what drives sales are the items and services we desire. If you constantly pitch the things people need, it grows boring. There