More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Des Talks to Baiju Solanki



‘At the start of my journey, I thought it was a million steps, when I got to half a million I realised it was a billion steps to get to where I need to be’ Desmond is talking to Baiju Solanki author of ‘Change Your Game’ number one bestselling book on Amazon. Baiju is an award-winning entrepreneur, psychologist, speaker, coach and trainer. He works with business entrepreneurs and start-ups to increase performance and productivity through positive winning mindsets. If you want to know more about what it takes to find your true potential and get out of your own way then listen in now.   KEY TAKEAWAYS My remit is to help people develop their entrepreneurial thinking so they can have the life they desire and there are many vehicles that can be used to help achieve this. There is no typical day, but I wake up with the intention of changing one person’s life per day. This could be through a conversation, a tweet or professional interaction. I‘m all about helping people create the life they desire so they do wh