Create More Podcast By Ben Stuart

#Ep22 - EU Referendum Debate - Gisela Stuart & Laura Sandys



Hello and welcome to a Create More Podcast first. A live debate, based on the EU Referendum. Gisela Stuart, the labour MP and Brexit Chair, against Laura Sandys, conservative MP and chair of the European movement. All this was hosted by Bill Webb, who is back in London at Make after running the Make Beijing office for 3 years. We start the podcast with a chat with Bill about why he set up the debate at Make offices in London and why he feels its important to hear both sides of the argument before making a decision. We then have a 45 minute debate with questions from the audience at the end, along with a poll of the office! It was really interesting debate and neither women held back. Apologises for the poor audio for the first half of the debate, if you skip ahead to 37 minutes when the debate starts the microphones get turned on. Enjoy.  See for privacy and opt-out information.