Adam Fortais

Random Walk 16: ComSciConCan #3 with Gracielle Higino



THIS WEEK: Gracielle grew up in Brazil immersed in science (communication). Her dream has always been to be a scientist by day, and writer by night. She currently studies computational ecology at Université Montréal, and we talk about her work, communicating science, and the difficulties English Second Language (ESL) researchers have. Some of her work includes organizing SciComm training with IGNITE. CHECK OUT: SciComm in Portuguese:…  ( SciComm training:… https://ignitescicomm.comIf  ( email: graciellehigino [at] gmail [dot] com Twitter: AMPLIFY: I dug into ecology twitter and found a research group focusing on ecosystem health using computer modelling led by Dr. Samniqueka Halsey ( that's currently looking to recruit M.