Leadership Revealed

We Need to Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable



‘Even though I was uncomfortable I got comfortable, was able to deal with the curveball and I’ve grown as a result of it’ What is your response when in an uncomfortable situation, fight, flight or freeze? John explains why you need to meet challenging situations head on to achieve positive outcomes and personal growth. Listen in to find out how!   KEY TAKEAWAYS In life and in business we come across situations that make us feel uncomfortable, where it doesn’t feel nice and our response is to choose between fight, flight or freeze. Depending on the severity of the situation some may choose to fight and deal with the situation but the majority will choose to do nothing. In business, there are lots of ongoing circumstances and many micro situations throughout a day that may be uncomfortable but require a response. How many times have you avoided a situation then felt inadequate afterwards? If you face up to an event or interaction you will feel better about yourself and be in a better position to deal with t