Uw Sustainability - "in Our Nature"

Plastic Free July with UW Recycling



Each year, millions of people around the globe take the Plastic Free July challenge and choose to refuse single-use plastics. UW Recycling was leading the charge this month to provide the UW community with resources, encouragement and tips to reduce plastic use. We talk with UW Recycling Manager Liz Gignilliat about why it's important to reduce plastic consumption, the state of plastic at UW and why increased recycling efforts isn't the answer to our plastic problem, followed by a discussion (starting at 15:10) with UW Recycling Program Coordinator Adam Fehn, who took a personal challenge to cut his plastic consumption for the month. Follow UW Recycling on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uwrecycling/ or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UWRecycling/ More info on Plastic Free July: https://www.plasticfreejuly.org/