
39. How Every Rumor Gets You Farther Away From Your End-Goal



Do you remember in grade school when the teacher played the game telephone? Everyone gets in a line, and the teacher tells a short story. It's usually 1-2 sentences long. As your classmates relay the message, you wonder what it's going to be. You see people smiling, giggling, and it's finally your turn.  When you hear it, you look confused....is this what Ms. Deplanty said?!?  As you take a deep breath as everyone's staring at you, the teacher asks, "What was the story?" "The banana went to a donut shop. He asked for a cup of coffee with his creme. His name was Larry."  "Rumor has it." is the game of telephone in real life. We get sucked into these stories that have characters, situations, and objects mixed-up. When we hear the story, we quickly accept it at face value. This episode is to address this notion and talk about how we get stuck in a big game of telephone without even knowing it. We love knowing secrets, we enjoy insider information, and we want to bond with our friends. At what