Receiving Rachael ~ Rachael O'brien

Don’t Give Up; The Miracle is Just Around the Bend



Sometimes we don’t get the change we are looking for fast enough, and it feels like nothing is changing! What if in this place your old life that was unease is starting to fall apart?  And this space is the space that allows the universe to gift you what you asked for! Well are you willing to wait! Imagine leaving or giving up just before the Universe can show you that there is magic and another way to live! And that way to live is a gift of life that has more ease and more joy, more time for you and more freedom for you to choose! Sometimes things take time and you will get to a place that you know the Universe has your back and it is listening to you!  You cannot force into existence that which must come of its own volition.  Wait and trust that right now your choice is creating your future, and every time you choose to come out of judgement and be kind to you the universe winks its eye at you and your future!  Are you ready to commit completely to you and your future, no matter what! What else is truly pos