Receiving Rachael ~ Rachael O'brien

Conscious Living With Tom Galligan



This week my beautiful friend Tom Galligan and I are going to talk about living with awareness and being the the elements of intimacy in your life.  Tom and I met at my first Access class nearly 3 years ago.  We both have been through massive change since coming to Access.  In fact we are completely different people now to what we were when we first met. Tom’s partner Lisa recently passed away and to me he is living breathing all the 5 elements of intimacy, trust, allowance, gratitude, honour and vulnerability.  Tom is one of my favourite people on the planet and it is refreezing to see this conscious man in action.  To be in his presence is so nurturing and just is a space for my body to heal. This week I will talk about demonstrating consciousness, this for me means changing peoples realities by being me and showing that kindness exists and it is true.  Living with ease is the greatest invitation to people and stepping away from lies everyday be it with money, my body and in relationship. Consciousness incl