Receiving Rachael ~ Rachael O'brien

What Is The True Cost Of How Much? With Rachael O’Brien



Im so excited about this weeks topic and wow did my body get happy when My friend popped up with this one liner! What is the true cost of asking How Much is it?? This week I am going to talk about moving beyond the limitation of how much. And how in our lives the question, "how much is it?" was a default limitation that stopped us from choosing and receiving a greater possibility. Are you now willing to look at this limitation and just laugh at your programming, instead of judging it! And what if your programming is a complete lie! What is the truth here Universe? What else is possible with money? Is it possible that you seeing the programming and the limitations, is the gift that allows you to change all of it! Would you like to join us and see if this is possible for you? Are you done with being a hamster on a treadmill!! And what if that was just as simple as choosing to join us and ask a question? If you would like to come play this Wednesday! ? If you are interested in this weeks topic! Here is the link