Receiving Rachael ~ Rachael O'brien

Joy Of Sexualness With Rachael O’Brien and SaraLove StarWalker



This week show my orgasmic friend SaraLove StarWalker is going to join me to talk about bodies and how absolutely scrumptious they are. Sexualness is the energy of healing caring and nurturing. It is a space where our bodies are gifted everything they require with absolutely no judgement, just a joy of being and receiving. Sara and I spent some time together recently and her communion and kindness to her body just blew me away. Have you every asked yourself how come I have a body? What if your body is your antenna to how you taste this world? What if your body could be orgasmic 24/7? What if life and living could be fun? Say hello to your sweet body and thank it for always being there for you no matter what! Would you like to hear more? If so join me live on the below link! Thank you for listening! Hugs Rach