Creating Magical Relationships With Bert & Nelly

If I Have a Relationship I’m Okay ~ Bert & Nelly



Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Relationship should not be a way of proving of something or a completing of something, "he/she completes me".A relationship should be an expansion of you, not a contraction of you. If it requires you to be limited, it is a contraction of you rather than an expansion. If you have to divorce any part of you to have a relationship, it is a distractor. Creating a relationship distracts you from being all of you. Sex and relationships not not bad or wrong. How they are presented in the romance novels and movies looks like the ideal of oneness, but do you know anyone that lives that way? We keep trying to fit into this reality as though there is something right about this reality. Do you see many people really working well in this reality? There is a lot of unhappiness, a lot of fighting, somebody is dominating, manipulating and controlling, and somebody is giving themselves away. There is a different choice and it requires you to give up these versions of relationships and