Creating Magical Relationships With Bert & Nelly

Uncage The Feral Female ~ Guest Isis Leeor



Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Isis Leeor is responsible for a movement of whole, ripe, and unapologetic women who are finally coming out of the closet. For 15 years, she has been passionately teaching people (women and men) how to connect both hearts, the one in their chest and the one in their pelvis. Isis Leoor has been featured in a myriad newspapers and radio shows alongside people like Storm Large, Dan Savage, Deborah Anapol and Sark. She is a counselor with an extensive background in Body Psychotherapy, Tantra, Hypnotherapy. Basically she does some kick ass embodied work online and in person, through workshops, intensives and private sessions. She is currently working on her book entitled “Feral Female.” In addition to a lot of official studies, Isis has also howled at the moon, been saved by Qi-gong, taken drugs with a therapist, smoked a peace pipe, flipped off a Shaman, learned and unlearned emotionally responsible language, danced with her shirt off in public, avoided marrying an Essene