Creating Magical Relationships With Bert & Nelly

If You Love Me You Would Know ~ Bert & Nelly



Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show How many of you have bought into the expectations that people who truly love you would be able to read your mind? If they really love you, they would know how to please you? If they really love you they would know what you want, what you require, how you would like things? We create these false assumptions and agendas about relationships and give up ourselves to make someone else happy. Listen in to Bert & Nelly as they discuss some of the false assumptions around relationships, how you become aware and change what is not working for you, creating a magical relationships with ease. ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut off parts of yourself and you can see the value and contribution of you in every rela