Queue The Banter

Zodiac with Robyn Couch and Adriana Catanzarite



Nick and Jared (The Brave Little Toaster) get back into their Quarantine the Banter mini-series with David Fincher’s 2007 True Crime film, Zodiac. With special guests, Adriana and Robyn of the Splice and Slice podcast (@spliceandslice), they get into all things Zodiac Killer. But should they have talked about the infamous killer so publicly? Because it seems that Ted Cruz, er, the Zodiac knows where they live. And he’s sent them multiple letters. Boy, oh boy. Do we have a podcast for you. From Ilto8 Productions. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram (@queuethebanter | @ilto8podcasts) and be sure to check out ‘Splice and Slice’ if you like movies about MURDER! (https://open.spotify.com/show/7f5q05RPSxZgl9YzNvfeyQ?si=q-GwbKoORES04WvT1iAXvA)