Mahi - The Disability Employment Podcast

Mahi episode 11, Audio version of the Workbridge thought leadership document, "Policy that Works, a Fair Go for Disability Employment Post-COVID-19"



Workbridge is proud to launch the thought leadership document ‘Policy that Works: A fair go for disability employment post COVID-19”. Workbridge has been at the forefront of thought leadership on the employment of disabled people since our founding in 1931. Over time, we have led advocacy for changes in public policy to reflect evolving attitudes towards the self-determination of disabled people. This difficult COVID recovery situation has created a once in a generation opportunity to significantly reform public policy on the employment of disabled people for the better. It is the responsibility of all of us not to squander that opportunity. The most important changes that will make the biggest impact to the lives of disabled people, if implemented, should include: The fee-for-service contract model be updated with a holistic framework focussing on careers rather than individual jobs, co-designed by disabled people. Government acts to address the widespread community concerns about the impact of the benefit