Potent, Playful And Provocative ~ Faith Northam & Liddy Freeman

Talk to the Trees (& Other Inanimate Creatures)~ Faith & Liddy



Have you ever sensed that a tree could give you information when you hug it? Or that your favorite stuffed animal had a life of its own? As a kid I literally said goodbye to any object my parents got rid of, from our old washer and drier to each car that had driven one too many miles. My brother and his friends teased me mercilessly for the sentimentality I had for seemingly lifeless objects….but what if I knew something he refused to? What if everything in the universe truly has consciousness and can gift and contribute to you if you’re willing to communicate with it? How much possibility have you shut off by pretending trees, plants, animals computers, houses and cars had nothing to say? Join us as we open up a conversation about inter-species communication and give you tools to having everything contribute to you. What if everything you always thought were possible for your life actually is? So often those of us with a sense of possibilities beyond the “norm”, or beyond what our families and friends choose