It's Business ~ It's Personal ~ It's You! With Sharon Lewis

Are you Solving Problems without Changing your Thinking?



You've heard the expression "You can't solve a problem with the same thinking that created it." The quote is often attributed to Einstein who, according to wikiquotes, didn't even really say it... funny when that happens! What he DID say though, was "A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels." The idea remains though, and it is a sound one. If you're trying to solve a problem without changing how you think about it you're doomed. (Assuming doomed means fated to exist with the same problems you've always had.) In business as in life if you're trying to change something first change your thinking. Join us for an hour long exploration of ways of thinking differently. What if some of your problems just didn't feel like problems when we're done? Or What if the 'solutions' are things you've never even considered before?