Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

The Wealth of Being with Heather Nichols



So many of us try to create money from work, conclusion, and the computation of what we think is going to bring money into our lives. The problem is, if our computations or projections are ‘off,’ and money doesn’t come, we get frustrated and keep looking for that magic ‘answer’ to creating money that doesn’t actually exist. The wealth of being, a phrase coined by Shannon O’Hara, is a space of being that acknowledges that wealth comes in many, many forms—including, yet not dependent upon, money. When you look to money to be the source of your wealth and your happiness, you actually eliminate money from your world. When you cultivate the wealth of being, you become the wealth that you already be, and money naturally comes into your world with ease. What if money responds to the energy you are being? And if you are not willing to be certain energies, or to acknowledge the wealth (of everything) that is currently in your life, you can only receive money in specific and limited ways. Cult