Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Changing the unchangeable: a different perspective on PTSD! Guest Heather Smith



One of the most challenging things about Post Traumatic Stress is that it has so many symptoms and there is not one thing that works for everyone. No one has an answer for how to undo it...What if it were not about finding the right answers? What if it is possible to begin unraveling the effects and symptoms of PTSD with questions? Questions that empower the individual to get clear about what is true for them, that they are not wrong and that the power of their own choices can create a change. This conversation will offer a very different perspective both in what creates PTSD and how to start undoing it. Most people say it can't be changed; what if that is actually a lie? Would you be willing to go on the adventure of discovering what it takes for YOU to change it? Join Heather Nichols and Heather Smith in the conversation and find out how Heather Smith began asking questions about what others had told her was real and solid about her, she discovered she could actually change the unchangeable and heal her bod